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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [効こう]

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I was too hungry to speak.
My credit is good for 50,000 yen.
Don't get smart with me, or you'll get a black eye!
My family is under the control of Mother.
I don't like the way he speaks to me.
How dare you speak to me like that?
We were surprised at the sound.
He would go fishing in spite of our warning.
She would go out in the heavy rain, though I tried to stop her.
I don't know what went on last night, but they're not speaking to each other this morning.
We had words again last night, so today we're not speaking.
I no longer have the energy to talk.
After their argument they weren't on speaking terms.
The crowd got out of control and broke through the fence.
How dare you say such a thing to me!
How dare you speak to me like that?
How dare you speak like that?
Your word puts me in fear of death.
It is not rare for girls today to talk as if they were boys.
Astonishment deprived me of speech.

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