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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [動物]

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My father took us to the zoo.
No animal builds beautiful churches, plays tennis, tells jokes, writes songs or visits the moon.
She got sick of the ugly animals.
She gave up eating meat after reading a book about cruelty to animals.
She kept on writing stories about animals.
She spoke out strongly against cruelty to animals.
She is gentle to animals.
She wrote a book about animals.
She saw many animals on the way.
She sent me a postcard that said she hates the smell of animals.
They went to the zoo.
They condemned him for his cruelty to animals.
They went to the zoo by bus yesterday.
They saw a strange animal there.
They lived on corn, potatoes, and the meat of animals.
He went to Africa to see wild animals.
He likes all animals except horses.
He kept on writing stories about animals.
He knows a lot about animals.
He knows a lot about animals.

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