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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [勝ったら]

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Some say the beauty is more important than virtue.
When you feel tired, there is nothing like having a bath.
They did win.
They really did win.
She asked me who I thought would win the tournament.
No doubt she will win in the end.
She went in for too many events, and so won none.
I can't shake off her seduction.
I wanted her to win.
Nothing gave her greater pleasure than to watch her son growing up.
Try as she may, she is unable to beat him.
They won by force of numbers.
They do anything in order to win.
They won the day.
They are eager to win the next game.
They lost heart because they had won no games.
They're no competition; our team can beat them hands down.
I'm sure they'll win.
We are three points ahead of their team.
He wins his arguments by logical reasoning.

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