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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [取れます]

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I learned to drive a car when I was eighteen and got a driver's license.
Let's have a ten-minute break.
"Will you pass me the sugar?" "Here you are."
"It's high time you took a vacation," Jim's boss said to him.
"It's a good time for you to take a vacation," the boss said to Jim.
"Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are."
"Would you pass me the salt, please?" "Here you are."
"I am too old and sad to play," said the boy.
"I am too old to swing on branches," said the boy.
May I trouble you to pass me the pepper?
Could you please pass me the pepper?
Could you pass me the pepper, please?
Mary took her beauty sleep before the big party.
Robots have taken the place of men in this factory.
He tried to brave it out while held as a hostage.
He tried to be brave while he was being held hostage.
He tried to behave as bravely as possible while he was being held hostage.
He left after he had lunch.
This is the only alternative.
One is never too old to learn.

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