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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [味]

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She's only interested in fish and cockroaches.
She tasted the cake to see if it was sweet enough.
She has a great interest in house keeping.
Does she have a hobby?
She has a great interest in music.
She's very interested in music.
She is interested in music.
She takes a great interest in English.
She's a very interesting person.
Her attention was engaged by the book.
She is interested in jazz.
Her only hobby is collecting stamps.
Her explanation of the problem added up to nonsense.
Her tastes in clothes are quite different than mine.
She gave me a meaningful look.
She has low tastes.
Her hobby is collecting stamps.
Her hobby was collecting old coins.
One of her hobbies is collecting T-shirts.
Her handicraft is more than a hobby. It's more like a profession.

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