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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [夕食]

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The meeting will begin at 6:00 and dinner will be served at 7:00.
Prior to the meeting, they had dinner.
We got together for short meeting after dinner.
We were having a quiet supper when out of the blue my mother announced she was going back to school.
My wife is preparing dinner right now.
We had guests for dinner yesterday.
I must finish my homework before dinner.
Have you eaten your dinner already?
I have already had my supper.
Have you eaten dinner yet?
It'll soon be time for dinner.
We have already finished our dinner.
Dinner will be ready soon.
Paula and I cooked dinner on Sunday.
I pronounce this a perfect dinner.
How delicious your dinner was!
Tom was late for dinner.
Tom didn't have dinner last night.
Tom, what would you like to have for dinner?
Tom, what do you want for supper?

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