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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [多く]

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An aging population will require more spending on health care.
As they grow old, many people become unable to look after themselves.
The workers demanded more money and holidays.
Many of the workers died of hunger.
I am sure that more flags were burned as a result of Congress passing that law than had ever been burned before.
Many housewives make good use of frozen food.
The boy who lives next door often comes home late.
Midori ate the most oranges.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
There are many rest stops along the freeway for the convenience of travelers.
The storm brought about much damage.
The storm caused a lot of damage.
The storm caused a lot of damage.
The storm prevented many planes from leaving the airport.
Many people were killed as a result of the storm.
Many trees were blown down by the storm.
Too many people are indifferent to politics.
There were more spectators than I had expected.
An evening glow often promises good weather.
Nancy is happy in that she has many friends.

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