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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [嬉しくて]

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I am glad that you have succeeded.
I am delighted to have met you today.
I'm glad I met you today.
I'm very happy you'll be visiting Tokyo next month.
I'm very happy you'll be visiting Tokyo next month.
As I was eating lunch, Kichiya came to me and, while she was serving my meal, she was toying happily with her ring set with a gleaming jewel.
I'm still not really happy.
I'm very happy.
I am very pleased to receive this from you.
I'm very happy to see you.
I'm glad to have been invited to dinner.
I'm glad I'm not a woman.
I'm happy because I am not a woman.
I am happy to hear your voice.
I am happy to hear your voice.
I am glad to be with you.
I am very pleased to hear the news.
I'm very happy to have met you.
I am pleased that you have passed the exam.
For some reason, I'm happy when I see doubles.

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