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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [寝なければ]

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I slept soon when I came home.
I went to sleep as soon as I got home.
The moment I arrived home, I went to bed.
I go to bed late at night.
I will be reminded of tyranny and cruelty, if Nero is said.
After I watched TV, I went to bed.
I usually take a bath before going to bed.
I usually got to bed about eleven.
I usually go to bed before ten.
More often than not I lay awake all night.
Having a slight cold, I went to bed early.
I'm accustomed to sleeping in a room without air conditioning.
I lay on my face.
I slept lying on my face.
I was in bed with the flu.
I went to bed a little later than usual.
I went to bed a little earlier than usual.
I studied for more than two hours, and afterward I went to bed.
I went to bed at one o'clock.
I can't see myself lying in bed until eleven o'clock.

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