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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [工]

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It aims to furnish factories and homes with sophisticated robots.
I don't understand electronics shoptalk.
There have been several new developments in electronics.
Natural dyes keep a more beautiful color over the years than artificial dyes.
The enemy dropped bombs on the factory.
The enemy dropped many bombs on the factory.
The town was zoned for factories and residences.
After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to develop.
It is duck soup for a carpenter to construct a chicken coop for his son.
Large-scale road construction began.
Many people work in industrial towns.
All of the factories are nearing capacity.
Since the war, Japan has advanced greatly in science and technology.
There are a lot of factories in Kawasaki.
The riverside bristles with factory chimneys.
Last month, they had to lay off several hundred employees in the factory.
Any industrial property rights relating to the Product Specification shall belong to ABC Inc.
Government officials inspected all factories.
The government started a program to promote industry.
At the turn of the century, children still worked in factories.

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