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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [市長]

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The mayor granted our request.
The mayor provided me with an identity card.
The mayor provided me with an identity card.
The mayor governed the city very wisely.
The mayor prescribed to the citizens how to act.
The mayor administers the affairs of the city.
The mayor acknowledged her services to the city.
The mayor walked at the head of the procession.
The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign.
The mayor is a stuffed shirt.
The mayor compromised on the subject to a certain extent.
The mayor will compromise to a certain extent.
As soon as they realized the mayor was on his way down, his critics started coming out of the woodwork.
The news of the mayor's resignation traveled fast.
The mayor's family was harassed with threatening phone calls all day.
Beside the mayor, many other distinguished guests were present.
It's said that the mayor is on the take.
The mayor is said to be on the take.
The mayor presented the prizes in person.
The new mayor is well spoken of by the citizens.

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