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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [座りました]

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She sat side by side with me.
She seated herself on the bench.
She sat on the bench.
She took her seat at the piano and began to play.
She got on a bus and took a seat in the front.
She will sometimes sit still for hours.
She refused to play with it, and just sat and looked angry.
She sat on the sofa, reading a magazine.
She will sit there reading a book.
She sat on the floor, her eyes closed.
I'd rather she sat next to me.
I motioned for her to sit down.
I motioned her to a seat.
I motioned for her to sit down.
I noticed that she sat in the front row.
I noticed that she sat in the front row.
I'd rather she sat next to me.
I'd rather she sat next to me.
They sat in the shade of a tree.
They sat under a tree.

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