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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [従わせ]

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The idea that Japanese women are submissive and always obedient to their husbands is a lie.
Japan claims the Northern Territories for its own.
Conformity is an essential element of our homogeneous community.
Instead of giving the money, that is the normal coin of the realm, which is the phrase that everyone used then, they would give them a token, and this token might be metal, might be wood, might be cardboard.
Keep to these instructions carefully.
In China, they celebrate New Year by the lunar calendar.
In China, they celebrate the New Year by the lunar calendar.
Tell me whose advice to follow.
The commanding officer marched, with soldiers following behind.
Conformity is an essential element of our homogeneous community.
The son acquiesced in his parents' wishes.
He walked quickly away with two dogs trotting at his heels.
A good citizen obeys the laws.
The players have to abide by the umpire's decision.
The players must abide by the rules.
The stream becomes shallower as you move upriver.
You had better yield to your teacher's advice.
Uncontrolled, these forces may be dangerous and destructive, but once mastered they can be bent to man's will and desire.
There were no laws for people to abide by.
No man can serve two masters.

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