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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [忙しくない]

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She was very busy.
She is very busy.
She has been busy since last week.
She was busy doing her homework.
She is busy preparing for the examination.
She is busy preparing for an examination.
She is busy with the care of her children.
She's busy with her work.
She has been busy since yesterday.
She is busy at present and can't speak to you.
She's busy now and can't speak to you.
She's busy now and can't talk with you.
She is busy at present and can't speak to you.
She's busy now and can't speak to you.
She's busy now and can't talk with you.
She's busy now, so she can't talk with you.
She is busy preparing supper now.
She was occupied with household work.
She was busy with household work.
She was busy with housework.

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