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I thought the highest mountain in Tsuyama was Takiyama.
He's a classic case that the more ignorant people are the more sure they are that they are correct.
I think a god's name has got to be out. From the moment the kid's named you know he's not going to be able to live up to it!
I think it is all right for beginners to take great pains to avoid using Dr Martin's book.
It is wonderful to think of Spring, when the new buds of the persimmon burst forth.
We reached our destination just as I thought the car was going to give up the ghost.
It wasn't as expensive as I expected.
It was on my mind so much that I unthinkingly asked the pupil in front of me.
If there are past exam questions then I think it would be best to give them a quick look over.
Of course he thought it was a joke and let it slide with a "hm?" but he was seriously annoyed. I mean, just don't say things like that even as a joke!
I don't intend to flatly reject suicide, but I really wish parents would not make their children join in with them.
I haven't decided either way. I want to keep an eye on how things go.
Certainly she wouldn't have dreamt that I would get up promptly without grumbling.
The way she flips her ponytail will charm you before you realise it.
If the distance you move the pen is too small, the speed too slow, it can't recognize the gestures well and you can't operate it in the way you thought.
I had a nagging feeling that the atmosphere resembled somebody and, now that you mention it, yes, you're right. Certainly ZZ TOP had this kind of feel.
I had tried to avoid thinking that as much as possible but as soon as I faced it I started to feel miserable.
I was expecting it to be a bad book, but damn me if it wasn't quite good after all.
Therefore I'm giving up for now. I'll still try to check out other possibilities but ... I think hopes are slim.
If you're looking that sleepy I think anybody could tell.

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