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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [握る]

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He has my fate in his hands.
When he gets up on stage to sing one of his out-of-tune solos, I get so nervous for him that I get sweaty palms.
It is education that is key to the success.
The first time I held my girlfriend's hand was in the haunted house.
A young girl was at the steering wheel.
We watched the baseball game with excitement.
Who holds the purse, rules the house.
The detective found absolute proof of the man's guilt.
My wife holds the purse strings in our family.
A closed fist can indicate stress.
Hold the racket tight.
Bolas are made up of a long cord with two stone balls at the free ends.
Why are you holding my hands?
He gripped the tennis racket tightly.
The little boy held his mother's hand firmly when crossing the street.
You are holding my hand in that picture.
The young man put out his hand and I shook it.
Keep hold of my hand if you're afraid.
Holding an eel too fast is the way to let her escape.
I get depressed thinking that a guy like our boss can have ultimate power over us.

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