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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [教えたかった]

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He wanted to teach English at school.
He betrayed us by telling the enemy where we were.
He teaches English.
He earns his living by teaching English.
Besides teaching English, he writes novels.
He teaches mathematics as well as English.
He is capable of teaching both English and French.
He taught me how to swim.
He is capable of teaching French.
He told me where to go.
He told me where to shop.
He taught me how the machine operated.
He is capable of teaching Spanish.
He taught us that Columbus discovered America.
He showed me how to use this camera.
He is a student who I am teaching English this year.
He is as young a teacher as ever taught here.
Tanaka's teaching goes against the stream of history.
He taught a group of Indian boys.
He always teaches from notes.

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