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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [教え]

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She earns her living by teaching.
She grounded her students thoroughly in English grammar.
She grounded her students thoroughly in English grammar.
She instructs students in English.
She teaches students English.
She has great ability in teaching English.
She gives instruction in English.
She teaches English.
She is capable of teaching both English and French.
She is capable of teaching both English and French.
She asked Bob to teach her how to ski.
She taught the child never to play with matches.
She taught music for thirty years.
She showed the passengers how to fasten their seat belts.
She could not accept the fact that she and her students had so much while other people had so little.
She is capable of teaching English.
Will you give me her address?
Her delight consists of teaching children.
She gave an illustration of how to pitch a tent.
Show her how to roller skate.

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