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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [教師]

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They assailed the new teacher with questions.
He is a good scholar, and what is better, a good teacher.
He was always in hot water with his teachers for being late.
He is not so much a professor as a school teacher.
After he had graduated from the university, he taught English for two years.
He is a teacher apart from the rest.
He is a primary school teacher, so he is used to dealing with children.
He is an experienced teacher.
He earns his living by teaching.
He works as a teacher, but actually he is a spy.
He is better suited to a job as a teacher is.
He is unfit to be a teacher.
He has decided to become a teacher.
He aspires to become a teacher.
He aspires to become a teacher.
He earned his living as a teacher.
He is eminent both as a teacher and writer.
He has little experience in teaching.
He is not so much a teacher as an entertainer.
He is not so much a teacher as a scholar.

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