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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [書きましょう]

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She sometimes has her sister write her term papers.
She wrote a lot of poems.
It was not until she finished reading the book that she noticed who had written it.
She wrote about it in her diary.
She set about writing the essay.
She was asked to write her name in ink.
She is constantly writing letters.
She began writing a report at eight, finishing it at twelve.
She wrote as many as ten books.
She can't so much as write her own name.
She addressed the letter to John.
Her mother is writing a letter.
Her ability to write with her foot is amazing.
If I had known her address, I would have written to her.
Be sure to take a note of what she says.
Please remember to write to her.
Why don't you drop her a line?
I was writing her a love letter.
No matter how often you write to her, she will not take notice of you.
What she wrote is true in a sense.

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