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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [書けた]

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I painted a picture for you.
I meant to have written to you.
You may be able to read the handwriting on the wall, but it is Greek to me.
I know how busy you must be, but I need your answer to my last email before I can proceed with the project. Can you take a moment and write me back?
You will save your father a lot of worry if you simply write him a letter.
I have another two letters to write.
Please remind me to write a letter tomorrow.
Write in less than 50 words.
You need not write more than 400 words.
It's not necessary to write more than 400 words.
You don't need to write more than 400 words.
It was three weeks before she wrote an answer to Tom.
I have been writing since two o'clock without a break.
I barely managed to finish the letter by eleven o'clock.
"Is the essay ready?" "No, I'm sorry. I haven't finished writing it yet."
Write an essay on "Friendship".
"Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did."
"Who wrote this book?" "John did."
"Give me something to write with." "Will this do?" "Yes, it will do."
"Give me something to write with." "Will this ball-point pen do?"

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