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I have not seen much of him recently.
I haven't seen much of him recently.
He died lately.
He died recently.
I haven't heard from him of late. I hope he is not sick.
Have you heard from him recently?
He writes to me less and less often these days.
A unique fossil of a tropical plant was found recently.
How's everything these days, Frank?
I'm not in good shape now.
The condition seems to be bad recently.
Recently the worms increased.
You've been late for school more often than before.
It scares me that we have frequently had earthquakes lately.
Recently, many public bath-houses have gone out of business.
Recently the condition of the body is not so good.
Recently numerous groups have offered counsel.
Many women work outside their homes these days.
A number of traffic accidents have happened recently.
Recently, many traffic accidents have occurred on that road.

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