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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [楽しもう]

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I like to go to the park and watch the children in the playground enjoying themselves.
I like to go to a cabin in the woods to enjoy solitude.
I indulged in some duty-free shopping at the airport.
I enjoyed swimming.
I often enjoy listening to classical music after supper.
I had a good time at the party.
I didn't enjoy every minute of the party.
I really enjoyed myself at the party.
I enjoyed watching the circus parade.
I enjoyed talking with my girlfriend.
I have enjoyed seeing you and talking about old times.
I enjoyed watching TV for two hours.
Some of my classmates like volleyball and the others enjoy tennis.
Some of my classmates like volleyball and others enjoy tennis.
For me winter is rather something to be put up with than to be enjoyed.
We have a long and cold winter, but we know how to enjoy it.
We enjoyed swimming in the river.
We enjoyed the party to our heart's content.
We enjoyed playing chess last night.
We enjoyed the quiz show on television last night.

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