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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [死ね]

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The death of his father filled him with sorrow.
It is ten years since my father died.
It's been ten years since my father died.
Five years have gone by since my father died.
It is three years since my father died.
It's been three years since my father died.
Ten years have gone by since my father died.
Her husband's death has tried her severely.
A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow.
When my husband died, I had a lot of difficulties keeping my chin up.
Her heart broke when her husband died.
When her husband died, she felt like committing suicide.
When her husband died, she felt like killing herself.
It was the poor who died youngest.
One month after he had become ill, he died.
He was all but dead when taken to the hospital.
What with fatigue and hunger, he fell down as if he were dead.
She cared for her father until his death.
She flung herself upon a sofa, protesting that she was fatigued to death.
She is dying of grief.

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