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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [死んで]

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She is dying of grief.
She died a miserable death.
She shed crocodile tears over his death.
As she feels deep sorrow at her cat's death, let her be.
She died after she had been ill for a long time.
She found a man dead.
She died before coming of age.
She died before I arrived there.
She cherished the memory of her dead husband.
She has a claim on her deceased husband's estate.
She shuddered to see the dead cat.
She continued writing in her diary until she died.
She had her first love in her memory until she died.
She was filled with grief at the news of her sister's death.
She died for lack of air.
She died of stomach cancer.
She carried that habit to her grave.
She died of cancer.
She shed plentiful tears when her beloved dog was killed in an accident.
She had her only son die.

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