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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [泣く]

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She felt like crying after hearing that news.
She burst into tears when she heard the news.
She kept crying all the time.
She cried her heart out.
She cried till her eyes dried.
She cried until she ran out of tears.
She was weeping alone.
The moment she saw me, she burst out crying.
She did nothing but cry all day.
She did nothing but cry all day.
I was moved to tears by her speech.
Her crying is just an act. Don't take it seriously.
I could hear her sobbing in her bedroom.
He told me that she might well burst into tears.
Tell me why she is crying.
Her tears perplexed him.
Her tears gave more credence to the story.
She broke into tears.
I didn't know the reason why she began to cry.
The baby had been crying for an hour when she found it.

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