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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [泥]

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The robber ran away when the policeman saw him.
The thief got in without being noticed.
The thief fled without leaving any traces.
The thief ran away in the direction of the station.
The thieves ran away after it got dark.
The thief made off with the woman's handbag.
The thief snatched the woman's handbag and took to his heels.
The burglar gained access to the house through a window.
The thief got away with the money.
The thief slipped into the house.
The burglar gained access to the house through this door.
The burglar came into the house through this door.
It seems that the burglar broke in through an upstairs window.
The thief is certain to be caught eventually.
The thief was arrested red-handed.
The thief's pursuit began.
Set a thief to catch a thief.
Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.
The robbers did away with their victims.
The thieves pulled open all the drawers of the desk in search of money.

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