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You're an arrogant dirty foreigner who claims your dictionary is correct even though you don't understand the nuances of Japanese.
Despite having lazed around without having touched my work I'm frightened at heart that "Ooh-er, this time I might really not get done in time!?"
Mrs Tanaka's characteristic curly hair was sticking up behind her ear.
You were always a perfect 'superhuman' to an infuriating extent, and so that 'habit' was actually one of your cute, or rather charming, attributes.
You should know it.
Morning, Haruki. You've got bed hair.
Good morning, Haruki. Your hair got messed up while you were sleeping.
Good morning, Haruki. Your hair looks like you just got out of bed.
The way that woman goes on with men shocks me.
She has a habit of coughing before she speaks.
She has a habit of biting her nails.
She is in the habit of fidgeting in the presence of others.
She is apt to fits of depression.
She is given to drinking rather heavily.
She is always playing favorites with a few students but very strict with everyone else.
She has a bad habit of talking a long time on the phone.
It seems to me that she has a tendency to exaggerate.
She has a way of keeping old letters.
He was cured of his drinking habit.
He has a habit of scratching his back and biting his nails.

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