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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [相手]

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He bet me twenty dollars that I wouldn't do it.
He is not much of a companion for his wife.
He got the better of his opponent.
He knocked his opponent out.
He had a slight edge on his opponent.
I find a good rival in him.
He joined the opposing team.
He received a tremendous punch on the jaw from his opponent.
Besides those serious problems, he had to contend with all sorts of people.
He's the kind of guy who doesn't take women seriously.
He knew how to put his ideas across.
He won't look at my advice.
He defeated his powerful antagonists.
He watches for an opportunity to intrigue against his rival.
He is superior to his competitors in everything.
He was traded, so to speak, to the rival firm.
He is a good match for me in tennis.
He hit the jackpot with his date. She was lovely and intelligent.
The partner was discouraged to his large victory.
His rival was discouraged by his triumph.

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