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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [眠って]

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Last night there was a fire near here, and I couldn't sleep.
I can not get enough sleep any more.
I'm going to be fast asleep tonight because today was a great day.
Today was a good day, so I'll sleep soundly tonight.
I was asleep from one to four this afternoon.
You should go back to bed now.
I don't feel like sleeping just now.
Between the traffic and the dog's barking, he couldn't sleep.
She found her baby still asleep.
How long does a bear sleep?
When bears sleep or lie down, their postures depend on whether they want to get rid of heat or conserve it.
I haven't slept well recently.
Sorrrry. I couldn't sleep last night, and so I overslept. Teehee!
I had my purse and commutation ticket stolen while I was sleeping on the train.
I had my purse and commuter ticket stolen while I was sleeping in the train.
We're counting on you to wake us up in time, so don't fall asleep.
I couldn't sleep well because it was noisy outside.
When the fire broke out, he was dead asleep.
When the fire broke out, he was fast asleep.
When the fire broke out, he was sound asleep.

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