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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [笑った]

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Please don't laugh! Try it yourself!
Fortune comes in by a merry gate.
Laughter is a human instinct, and when it comes to instinct, cultural barriers don't exist.
A kiss will be given to the person who wants to laugh.
I was laughing so hard I nearly dislocated my jaw.
The young girl laughed carelessly.
The little girl laughed her tears away.
He could not refrain from smiling, though with a slight sense of guilt.
The girl snapped up the package and pointed to a little old man standing beside her.
The girls burst into laughter when they heard his joke.
The girls began to laugh when they heard the story.
The girls burst into laughter when they heard his joke.
The people standing around were amused and laughed at the brave little dog.
We could not help laughing at his story.
We couldn't help laughing at his joke.
We all laughed and laughed.
We all laughed at his joke.
Our teacher seldom laughs.
Don't laugh at me.
I don't like the way she laughs.

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