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A true scientist wouldn't think like that.
It seems, from books, that the colonizers and adventurers went sailing off to a new fine life, a new country, opportunities, and so forth.
I want to be a doctor.
My doctor told me to stay at home for a week.
The defenders put up a stout resistance.
Don't forget to count how many people attend.
Onlookers see most of the game.
The refugee crossed the line safely.
The late Mr Smith was a doctor.
The visitor left a message with his sister.
Visitors are usually asked to remove their shoes before they enter a Japanese house.
Visitors are welcome.
People who break the law are punished.
The more laws, the more offenders.
The vagabond, when rich, is called a tourist.
The reporter elaborated on the method of his investigation.
My mother advised me to see the dentist.
My mother visits the dentist's every other day to get her teeth fixed.
Mother made me a doctor.
Mother suddenly got sick and we sent for a doctor.

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