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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [覚えなく]

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I remember seeing her before.
I remember telling her that news.
I remember that she wore a green hat.
Do you remember what she said?
He is weak on names.
He has a hard time remembering names.
He's not good at remembering names.
He has trouble remembering names.
He remembers meeting her once.
He had to master a lot of new information and spend some of his own time in different parts of the country.
He was learning a poem.
He makes it a point to remember each one of our birthdays.
He makes it a point to remember each one of our birthdays.
He will remember us saying so.
He learned golf by watching others and following their example.
He learned his trade as a banker in London.
He felt an acute pain in his chest.
He felt a sudden pain.
He cannot be a slow learner.
English is not easy for him to learn.

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