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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [言いたくなかった]

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Please don’t tell anybody about that.
I TOLD YOU to do your homework!
A long time ago, when I was on my period I took the irritation out on my boyfriend on the phone. Then he told me to wait a bit.
and said “I didn’t know what makes you feel better so I brought everything”.
None of them was really the right answer but I was happy that he came, so I said “Everything is the right answer!”
Despite that, when a man catches a cold he will be called “weak”
Whoever called you an idiot is the idiot.
Say it one more time!
Our boss is always complaining to his subordinates.
If I was told not to look, I want to look even more.
Sorry, say that again.
The words he said were all lies.
The words he said were all lies.
“Can I get a Sony iPhone?” I was asked and, I thought “ah, I guess he means Xperia” and so I showed it to him
When I signed the contract, I was definitely told that it was a Sony!
"Our shop doesn’t have a Sony iPhone… Please try another store…" That’s all I could say.
“You are already dead!” … I just wanted to say it.
It was far too big to be called a sword.
You never said no swings, right?
You said you wanted to eat takoyaki so I bought it for you.

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