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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [言わない]

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Shouko has a bad habit of not saying and abbreviating the main points, I don't know how many surprising misunderstandings she has received until now.
What your saying is if you don't deliver this then it's like a matter of life and death for someone, but then even if it makes a mess of my day, I'll do it.
A: Hey, you! B: …? Are you talking to me?
My father always listens to what my mother says.
The fact that maybe in reality Miss Toujou was told by the teachers to come meet me, and to listen to my story … I try not to think of the possibility that in spite of being told that, she didn't do it.
Even though you said to me "I'm saying that", it's the first time I've heard of it! I thought but, in pain I could not reply.
"I thought that to make you gather all at once would be chaotic, so even if it was wasteful, from yesterday morning I called each person in turn, and even though I was explaining it for you, at the very end, one annoyingly ran away. Don't waste my time."
Please say it once again.
Literally: Again one time say it, please.
ください can be written 下さい
度 is a counter for occurrences
Please speak more slowly.
Literally: More slowly say it please.
You are the one who told me to wake you up early, you know?

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