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Carol will visit Miami next month.
Whenever you may call, you will find him at his books.
This is the first time I have visited England.
I'd like to visit your country someday.
On his tour of Italy, he visited several cities which are famous for their scenic beauty, for instance, Naples and Florence.
Did you ever visit Italy?
Have you ever visited Italy?
When I first visit a country, I always try to share a meal with the people there.
Did you visit the Tokyo Tower?
Have you ever visited Kyoto?
How often did you visit Kyoto?
Did you visit the Tower of London?
Which city are you going to visit first?
Are you going to pay a visit to China this fall?
When did you visit New York?
Would you like to visit the United States?
Would you like to travel to the United States?
No less than fifty thousand people visited there.
Two weeks ago, I visited Disneyland for the first time.
She wrote the book about people she visited.

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