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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [証拠]

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What evidence do you have?
Everyone believes his story since there is no evidence to the contrary.
The story is consistent with the evidence.
There is no evidence that the story is based on his own experience.
The evidence corresponds to his previous statement.
The evidence was in his favor.
The evidence left little room for doubt.
The evidence left no room for uncertainty.
The evidence proved him to be innocent.
The policeman went over the room in search for evidence.
There seems to be little agreement as to how to preserve the evidence in such cases.
We have no proof to the contrary.
There is no evidence to the contrary.
I have no proof to the contrary.
There is evidence to the contrary.
All the evidence points to his guilt.
If we take this additional evidence into consideration, the second law must be modified.
This evidence was against him.
The evidence leaves no room for doubt; this can't be an original Picasso.
This evidence revealed him to be an embezzler.

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