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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [詩]

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I read not only his novels but also his poems.
I like short poems.
I met a novelist and a poet.
I like lyric better than epic.
I translated the poem as best I could.
I like poets, such as Takuboku.
I have an inclination for poetry.
I was told to learn this poem by heart by the end of this week.
Apart from schoolwork, I write poetry.
I write poems in my free time.
I remember one poem in particular.
I know the poem by heart.
I cannot make anything of the poem's meaning.
I know a poet whose poems are widely read.
I want to remember this beautiful poem.
I must learn this poem by heart.
I must learn this poem by heart.
I am as interested in writing poems as you are.
We had to learn the poem by heart.
We have to learn the whole poem by heart.

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