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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [赤い]

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She chose the red dress.
She was aflame with pride.
Her face went very pink.
Her face become pink.
Her cheeks were red.
He picked up a red stone.
He decided on a red car.
He wore red pants.
He painted his bicycle red.
He was red with anger.
He reddened like a schoolboy.
He put on the red jacket.
He decided on the red car.
He lives in the house the red roof of which you see over there.
Her cheeks began to glow at his compliments.
She blushed when he praised her.
Her cheeks began to glow at his compliments.
His red face showed his anger.
There are many apples in the box. Some are red and others are yellow.
My urine is a little red.

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