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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [間違い]

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She hasn't come yet. She may have taken a wrong bus.
She must have taken the wrong bus.
She is very careful, so she seldom makes mistakes.
She would never own up to a mistake.
She has made the same mistake as last time.
She need not have owned up to her faults.
She did not need to own up to her faults.
He made six mistakes in as many lines.
Her name was spelled wrong.
Her answer was incorrect.
I noted that her answer was incorrect.
I'm quite sure of her success.
Her statement was false.
She is wrong in nine cases out of ten.
Her English composition has few mistakes.
She is wrong.
What she said is wrong.
I took her for her sister.
Not only she but also you are wrong.
Her passing the exam is a sure thing.

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