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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [6月]

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In Japan we have a lot of rain in June.
It rains a lot in June in Japan.
Please advise us as to what topic you would like to add or delete by June 12.
We can deliver the product in June.
We'll meet next time at ten o'clock, June the first, next year.
The next meeting will be on the tenth of June.
The next concert will take place in June.
I met him this day last week, that is, the 25th of June.
I was born on the twenty-second of June in 1974.
I was born on June 4, 1974.
We have a lot of rain in June.
I'm afraid you must have misinterpreted my e-mail of Jun 8.
We are to get married in June.
We will get married in June.
We are to get married in June.
We were to be married in May but had to postpone the marriage until June.
We have a lot of rain in June.
We will pay this amount by June 30.
The new final deadline is at 7 o'clock on June 10th.
My sister married a high school teacher last June.

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