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Kanji reading game suggestion

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Kanji reading game suggestion

Member Since
21 Feb, 2014
Number of Posts

I have two suggestions:

I sometimes get frustrated that a wrong key stroke is immediately recognized as a mistake.
I don't know how others feel, but I would like to be able to type an answer, and then validate that input by pressing [enter] for example. Sometimes I know the right answer, but by a stupid mistake typed the wrong letter, this is immediately recognized as wrong, and the word (that I already know) will now keep popping up because the score dropped.

I feel like there are a lot of words with two possible answers, but a hint is not always given, and thus often unnecessary mistakes are made. For example: with 七 you have to answer either "nana" or "shichi". It used to be that a little hint appears, as like "n_ _ _". But these hints seem to not appear anymore. Again, stupid mistakes are made, and for the next 5 games 七 keeps appearing.


I don't know whether these are things you want/can solve. I'm just mentioning.
After about 5 years, I still adore this site!

#1 Posted by Lord Aide over 5 years ago
Member Since
21 Jul, 2012
Sydney, Australia
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I'll look at making 1) optional in the next update.  I know for some me personally I prefer it checking what I type immediately but I can see why some people would prefer it checking at the end after they press the [enter] key.

For 2) I'll check this.  It should be showing the hints, but maybe I missed something in the last update.  Thanks for picking this up and letting me know.  There is quite a large number of options in the games now, so it does get harder testing everything now before each change.

#2 Posted by flint over 5 years ago
Member Since
21 Feb, 2014
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Hi Flint,

It is perfectly understandable that not everything is possible. So I'm also good if the option is not possible. I won't make me love this site less. It was just an idea I had. And I understand that everybody has different ideas/preferences, and not everything is possible. I'm merely suggesting some things.

Concerning 2), I have the feeling that it is showing the hints if you are studying a specific chapter, but they disappear when you are studying multiple chapters together. Or maybe it has something to do with the "Kanji I am learning/have already mastered" option?
Generally, I study a new chapter by selecting only that specific chapter. Practice a couple of times, and when I'm starting to get better, I add it to the "Kanji I'm learning" option. That contains all previous chapters too. Then I'm practicing the kanji I should already know too, but I don't see the hints anymore. Maybe this can give an idea of where the coding fails? I'm just trying to help out.

#3 Posted by Lord Aide over 5 years ago

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