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Japanese for Busy People I

Japanese for Busy People I

Posted by GrubeCube over 2 years ago

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Companion vocabulary list for the first entry in the "Japanese for Busy People" series, 3rd edition.

- Most vocabulary include commonly associated kanji. Certain vocabulary require discretion and may not accurately portray common usage.
- Past vocabulary is included in a unit if specifically noted by the textbook.
- Some additional or alternative vocabulary is included if deemed important/common enough.
- Place names and their kanji are included.
- People and fictitious names are not included.
- Other notes are written in the description of the lesson they apply to.


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77 Words|59 Kanji|3 Followers

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 1

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 1 of "Japanese for Busy People I."

95 Words|56 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 2

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 2 of "Japanese for Busy People I."

82 Words|69 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 3

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 3 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- No entry for 月 [がつ] (months of the year). Including a term for each month seems unnecessary, as most follow the standard counting system and no new kanji is added.
- No entry for 渋谷 [しびや], but kanji was added.

87 Words|72 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 4

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 4 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- No entry for 日光 [にっこう] (city in Tochigi prefecture), but the 光 kanji is included.

99 Words|83 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 5

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 5 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- あんまり is included as an alternative to あまり, even though it is not mentioned due to commonality.
- This is the first unit to mention verbs. It may be helpful to research the difference between 他動詞 [たどうし] (transitive verb) and 自動詞 [じどうし] (intransitive verb).
- This unit mentions 松 [まつ] as a rank. Additional information may be found by searching for 松竹梅 [しょうちくばい].

107 Words|85 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 6

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 6 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- No entry for 浅草 [あさくさ] (Tokyo district) or 六本木 [ろっぴんぎ] (Tokyo district), but their kanji were added.
- Now that a few counters are introduced, it may be helpful to read the Wikipedia entry on counter words:

68 Words|68 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 7

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 7 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- No entry for 新宿 [しんじゅく] (Tokyo district), but kanji was added.
- More information for んです should be researched. It's very common and is more nuanced than the book leads on.

64 Words|64 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 8

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 8 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- No entry for 小樽 [おたる] (Hokkaido city), but kanji was added.

60 Words|54 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 9

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 9 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- No entry for 赤坂 [あかさか], 大手町 [おおてまち], 麻布 [あざぶ], 成田 [なりた], or 横須賀 [よこすか], but their kanji were added.

38 Words|34 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 10

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 10 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

- No entry for 品川 [しながわ] (Tokyo district), but kanji was added.

58 Words|55 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Unit 11

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Unit 11 for "Japanese for Busy People I."

73 Words|69 Kanji|1 Follower

Japanese for Busy People I: Extra Credit

#textbook#Japanese for Busy People

Extra vocabulary noted in the appendix, but not in the main content of "Japanese for Busy People I."

- 付ける [つける] is listed as "to be careful," but 気を付けて is a fixed expression and the verb itself does not translate to that.
- The conditional form of verbs is shown, but does not explain how to conjugate or utilize it. Therefore, it is left out entirely.