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Conjugations for カッコイイ

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i adjective (yoi/ii)

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Root Words:

kakko + ii

English Meaning(s) for カッコイイ

i adjective (yoi/ii)
  1. attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy

Definition and Synonyms for カッコイイ

Attractive pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm
Synonyms: かっこいい, かっこよい, アトラクティブ, 格好のいい, 素敵, 魅力的
Personable (of persons) pleasant in appearance and personality
Synonyms: かっこいい
Prepossessing creating a favorable impression
Synonyms: かっこいい
Better-Looking pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
Synonyms: きれい, まぶい, まばゆい, ハンサム, かっこいい, かっこよい, グッドルッキング, 格好のいい, 眩う, 端正, 素敵, 美しい, 見目良い, 見目麗しい
Fashionable having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress
Synonyms: シック, おしゃれ, ハイカラ, かっこいい, かっこよい, スタイリッシュ, 小粋, 格好のいい, 洒落た, 洒落る, 瀟洒
Voguish elegant and stylish
Synonyms: いなす, いなせ, シック, おしゃれ, スマート, かっこいい, かっこよい, スタイリッシュ, , , 小粋, , 瀟洒, ,

Stroke Order Diagrams for カッコイイ

Sample Sentences for カッコイイ

Do you think that male leggings are cool?
His car is really cool.

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