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Conjugations for 叮嚀

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na adjective, noun

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English Meaning(s) for 叮嚀

na adjective, noun
  1. polite; courteous; civil
  2. careful; close; thorough; conscientious

Definition and Synonyms for 叮嚀

Careful exercising caution or showing care or attention
Synonyms: 丁寧, 丁重, 丹念, 入念, 念入り, 慎重, 注意深い, きめ細か, きめ細かい, 細心
Thorough painstakingly careful and accurate
Synonyms: 丁寧, 丹念, 10分, 十分, 周到, 徹底的, 精到, 綿密
Courteous characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners
Synonyms: 丁寧
Polite showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.
Synonyms: 丁寧, 慇懃, 折り目正しい, 礼儀正しい
Gracious exhibiting courtesy and politeness
Synonyms: ねんごろ, 丁寧, 丁重, 恭しい, 慇懃, 手厚い, 折り目正しい, 礼儀正しい
Measured unhurried and with care and dignity
Synonyms: 丁寧, 丹念, 優長, 入念, 周到, 念入り, 悠長, 慎重, 注意深い, 綿密

Meanings for each kanji in 叮嚀

» courtesy
» kindness

Stroke Order Diagrams for 叮嚀

Sample Sentences for 叮嚀

When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible.
My doctor has an excellent bedside manner.
A polite way to reveal knowledge of a fact without telling the source of the information is to say, "a little bird told me".

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