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Definition and Synonyms for うぬぼれる
1. | 気取り | 大げさである性質(非常に重要な、あるいは価値があるという、誤った状況を作り出すように行動する、または話すこと) |
Largeness | the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth) | |
Synonyms: | うぬぼれ, うぬぼれる, 付け焼刃, 僭称, 気どり, 気取る, 気取る | |
2. | 己惚れ | 過度にうぬぼれが強くて思い上がった性質 |
Conceitedness | the trait of being unduly vain and conceited | |
Synonyms: | うぬぼれ, うぬぼれる, 自尊心, 自慢, 虚栄, 虚栄心, 衒気, 見える, 見える, 見栄 | |
3. | 心驕り | 過度に自負する感情 |
Self-Love | feelings of excessive pride | |
Synonyms: | うぬぼれ, うぬぼれる, ナルシシズム, 思い上がり, 思い上がる, 慢心, 自尊心, 虚栄心 | |
4. | 傲り | 自尊心および、自分に値打ちがあると感じること |
Pridefulness | a feeling of self-respect and personal worth | |
Synonyms: | おごり, おごる, うぬぼれ, プライド, うぬぼれる, 倨傲, 得意, 思い上がり, 思い上がる, 慢心, 我褒め, 気位, 矜持, 自尊, 自尊心, 自慢, 自負, 自負心, 見識, 誇り, 誇る, 誇らしい, 驕り, 驕傲 | |
5. | 己惚れ | 誤った自尊心 |
Conceitedness | false pride | |
Synonyms: | うぬぼれ, うぬぼれる, 自尊心, 自慢, 虚栄, 虚栄心, 衒気, 見える, 見える, 見栄 |
Categories うぬぼれる is a member of
1. | 習性 | その人個人の性質の際立った特徴 |
Trait | a distinguishing feature of your personal nature | |
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2. | 不自然 | 不自然で、自然の原理に基づいていない性質 |
Unnaturalness | the quality of being unnatural or not based on natural principles | |
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3. | 傲り | 自尊心および、自分に値打ちがあると感じること |
Pridefulness | a feeling of self-respect and personal worth | |
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4. | 心緒 | 感動の、感情的な状態を経験すること |
Feeling | the experiencing of affective and emotional states | |
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Conjugations for うぬぼれる
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Colloquial Potential Plain Form
Colloquial Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for うぬぼれる
As is quite common for teenagers aged from 13 to 19, she's vain.
He is so full of conceit that everybody dislikes him.
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