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Conjugations for たくさん

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no adjective, na adjective, noun, adverb, noun, used as a suffix

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English Meaning(s) for たくさん

no adjective, na adjective, noun, adverb
  1. a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal
  2. enough; sufficient
noun, used as a suffix
  1. enough; too many; too much (after a noun; usu. read as だくさん)

Definition and Synonyms for たくさん

Abundant present in great quantity
Synonyms: あまた, たくさん, だくさん, ふんだん, 多量, 大量, 数多い, 潤沢, 膨大, 豊か, 豊富, 豊満, 豊潤, 豊饒
Plentiful existing in great number or quantity
Synonyms: たくさん
Much frequently or in great quantities
Synonyms: いい, よく, うんと, しきる, たんと, どんと, いくらも, いっぱい, おおきに, しきりと, しきりに, しげしげ, しこたま, しばしば, しばしば, たくさん, たびたび, だくさん, ちょいちょい, ちょくちょく, ちょこちょこ, 仰山, 再々, 再三, 多い, 多く, 大いに, 好く, 往々, 良い, 重ね重ね, 間々, 頻く頻く
Plenty as much as necessary
Synonyms: おさおさ, たくさん, だくさん, 優に, 10分, 十分, 千度
Amply sufficiently
Synonyms: いい, よく, たくさん, みっちり, 万々, 10分, 十分, 遺憾なく
Much great in quantity or degree or extent
Synonyms: たくさん, だくさん, 仰山, 多い, 大量
Abundantly in an abundant manner
Synonyms: うんと, しっかり, たくさん, だくさん, やまやま, 多い, 多く, 大量, 豊富
Richly to an ample degree or in an ample manner
Synonyms: たくさん, だくさん
Sizable fairly large
Synonyms: かなり, たくさん, だくさん, 10分, 十分, 多額, 大きい, 大仰, 大型, 潤沢, 豊富
Amply more than adequately
Synonyms: いい, よく, たくさん, みっちり, 万々, 10分, 十分, 遺憾なく

Stroke Order Diagrams for たくさん

Sample Sentences for たくさん

He's a tycoon.
We still have plenty of time left.
There's many a true word spoken in jest.
Meg acquired many new friends.
There's too much salt in this soup.

Comments for たくさん

If you have any questions about this entry, or would like to write a sample sentence using the vocabulary, please do so below. Your comment will appear in the forum for other users of the site to view and discuss.

Monox D. I-Fly wrote on Wednesday at 8:19 PM

"Sawayama"? We can say it like that?

Use the onyomi most of the time with compound kanji

#3 Posted by machigainai over 6 years ago

"Sawayama"? We can say it like that?

#2 Posted by Monox D. I-Fly over 6 years ago

Why is たくさん pronounced as さわやま(沢山)and not たくさん? 

#1 Posted by kop over 10 years ago

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