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Conjugations for 包囲

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noun, no adjective, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 包囲

noun, no adjective, suru verb
  1. siege; encirclement; envelopment; surrounding; besiegement

Definition and Synonyms for 包囲

Circumvention the act of evading by going around
Synonyms: 包囲
Encirclement a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy
Synonyms: 包囲, 囲み, 囲む, 封鎖
Beleaguering the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack
Synonyms: 包囲, 囲み, 囲む, 攻囲, 軍事封鎖
Surround surround so as to force to give up
Synonyms: 包囲, 取り籠める, 取り込む
Draw In advance or converge on
Synonyms: 包囲
Environ extend on all sides of simultaneously
Synonyms: くるむ, めぐる, 包む, 包囲, 取り囲む, 取り巻く, 回る, 回る, 囲う, 囲む, 囲繞, 巻く, 廻る
Inclose surround completely
Synonyms: 包囲, 締め込む
Environ encircle
Synonyms: くるむ, めぐる, 包む, 包囲, 取り囲む, 取り巻く, 回る, 回る, 囲う, 囲む, 囲繞, 巻く, 廻る

Meanings for each kanji in 包囲

» wrap; pack up; cover; conceal
» surround; besiege; store; paling; enclosure; encircle; preserve; keep

Categories 包囲 is a member of

Dodging nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or trickery) that you are supposed to do
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Action a military engagement
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Encirclement a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy
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Assail launch an attack or assault on
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Meet be in direct physical contact with
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Environ extend on all sides of simultaneously
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Pass On move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 包囲

Sample Sentences for 包囲

The dogs were closing in on the deer.
There is no way out of the siege except to take the bull by the horns and let God judge the outcome.
Completely surrounded by our troops, the enemy finally surrendered to us.
The army besieged the castle for many days.
The police have surrounded the building.

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