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Conjugations for 無駄

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noun, na adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 無駄

noun, na adjective
  1. futility; waste; uselessness; pointlessness; idleness

Definition and Synonyms for 無駄

Bunch an informal body of friends
Synonyms: ただ, いたずら, グループ, 一党, 一味, 一味, 中間, 仲間, , , , , 徒党, 無駄, 群れ, 群れる, , , , , , , 連中
Inner Circle an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
Synonyms: ただ, いたずら, 一党, 一群れ, 会派, , 党派, 同人, , , , , , 徒党, 暴力団, 朋党, , 派閥, 無駄, 社中, 私党, 連中, 門閥, , 閥族
Wasteful laying waste
Synonyms: 無駄
Waste useless or profitless activity
Synonyms: 不経済, 乱費, 冗費, 徒爾, 徒費, 浪費, 無駄, 無駄遣い, 空費, 蕩尽
Wasteful inefficient in use of time and effort and materials
Synonyms: もったいない, 不経済, 無駄
Fruitless unproductive of success
Synonyms: ただ, だめ, いたずら, いたずら, はかない, 不毛, , , , , 徒爾, 無益, 無駄, , 虚しい
Useless having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully
Synonyms: やくざ, いたずら, いたずら, はかない, へっぽこ, くだらない, 下る, 下がる, 不用, 徒爾, 無用, 無益, 無駄, 益体もない
Ineffectual producing no result or effect
Synonyms: いたずら, いたずら, はかない, 不毛, 無効, 無益, 無駄, 虚しい
Worthless lacking in usefulness or value
Synonyms: だめ, やくざ, くだらない, ばかばかしい, 下る, 下がる, 無用, 無益, 無駄, 甲斐なし, 甲斐無い, 益体もない, 馬鹿らしい
Senseless serving no useful purpose
Synonyms: 無意味, 無駄
Futility uselessness as a consequence of having no practical result
Synonyms: ただ, いたずら, , , , , 無用, 無益, 無駄
Senselessness total lack of meaning or ideas
Synonyms: 無駄, 真空
Gang tool consisting of a combination of implements arranged to work together
Synonyms: ただ, いたずら, ギャング, , , , , 徒党, 暴力団, 無駄, 連中
Waste using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly
Synonyms: 不経済, 乱費, 冗費, 徒爾, 徒費, 浪費, 無駄, 無駄遣い, 空費, 蕩尽
Senseless having no excuse for being
Synonyms: 無意味, 無駄

Meanings for each kanji in 無駄

» nothingness; none; ain't; nothing; nil; not
» burdensome; pack horse; horse load; send by horse

Categories 無駄 is a member of

Activity any specific behavior
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Unusefulness the quality of having no practical use
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Meaninglessness the quality of having no value or significance
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Tool an implement used in the practice of a vocation
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Gathering a group of persons together in one place
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Lot an unofficial association of people or groups
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 無駄

Sample Sentences for 無駄

She tried in vain to please him.
I would rather work for any company than waste another year.
It is no use arguing with him about it.
A lot of time was wasted.
Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time.

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