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Conjugations for 入口

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noun, no adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 入口

noun, no adjective
  1. entrance; entry; gate; approach; mouth

Definition and Synonyms for 入口

Mouth an opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge)
Synonyms: 入口, ,
Door a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle
Synonyms: ドア, とまら, 乗車口, 入口, とば口, , , 戸口, 戸口, 戸板, , , , 玄関, , 門口, 門戸, 開き, 開く, 開く, 開き戸
Room Access the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building
Synonyms: ドア, 入口, 出入り口, とば口, , , 戸口, 戸口, 玄関, , 門口
Entry something that provides access (to get in or get out)
Synonyms: エントランス, 上がり口, 上がり端, 乗り口, 入り, 入る, 入る, 入口, 出入り口, とば口, 御錠口, 戸口, 戸口, 昇降口, 木戸, 玄関, 玄関先, 登り口, 門口
Door anything providing a means of access (or escape)
Synonyms: 入口, とば口, , , 戸口, 戸口, 玄関, 門口, 門戸
Beginning the first part or section of something
Synonyms: ついで, のっけ, はじめ, スタート, ビギニング, 入口, 冒頭, すべり出し, 出だし, 出始め, 出始める, 出端, 出鼻, 出っ鼻, 初め, 初める, 初期, 初頭, 取っ付く, 取り付く, とば口, 始まり, 始まる, 始める, 幕開け, , 序の口, 序盤, 序章, 当初, 最初, 滑り出す
Entry Word the form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary
Synonyms: 入口, 玄関, 見出し語
Start the beginning of anything
Synonyms: はじめ, スタート, しょっぱな, , 入り, 入る, 入る, 入口, 冒頭, すべり出し, 出だし, 初め, 初める, 原初, 嚆矢, 始まり, 始まる, 始める, 序開き, 最初, 滑り出す, 発端, 第一歩
Room Access the space that a door can close
Synonyms: ドア, 入口, 出入り口, とば口, , , 戸口, 戸口, 玄関, , 門口

Meanings for each kanji in 入口

» enter; insert
» mouth

Categories 入口 is a member of

Access a way of entering or leaving
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Entry something that provides access (to get in or get out)
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Accession the right to enter
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Part one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
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Form the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something
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Beginning the event consisting of the start of something
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Gap an open or empty space in or between things
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Movable Barrier a barrier that can be moved to allow passage
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 入口

Sample Sentences for 入口

They caught up with him at the entrance.
"Even still if you want to, feel free to. But, for that situation there is our point of view. The behaviour of the entrance opening when there is an unrelated person present, then from a security point of view, it shouldn't do that."
This is not the entrance.
Ranks of police guarded the entrance.
Linda Wood was standing at the door.

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